Starting from:


Amazon Full Course + Wholesale companies list

Everything you need to know. Step by step. Even if you know nothing about running a business or Amazon. 


We have spent and wasted thousands of dollars in mistakes that you do not have to with following our system! 


1. How to set up an Amazon FBA 

2. How to set up a business/ Esablish a business

3. Accounting tips and companies to work with

4. OUR supplier list. You get the exact system, and suppliers we use. No more buying product with out knowing it will work. (HUGE MONEY SAVER). 

5. The exact sorting system we use to save you from buying products that do not sell. Knowing how to buy product that is already selling, already has a market and is not saturated will save you hundreds and thousands. This is what sets us a part. We set you up to know way ahead of the game, not wasting money, not getting frustrated. This system runs products in literally seconds!

6. This is for you, if you have never ran a business, have no experience, and are just hearing about Amazon for the first time! 


We do not make millions of dollars, fly on private jets. However, we are mom's that can run a business from home and work on our own time with the freedom to do so and make 6 plus figures. 



Do you have a desire to work hard but the thought of being or having your face on social media or being part of an MLM seem daunting to you?  Are you introverted and the thought of eveyrone knowing your business seem scary? Do you have a fear of failure and everyone knowing?


These are all questions I had and when I discovered Amazon FBA I am all of these things. I am super outgoing in person. On the business side I am a little more shy and introverted. I THRIVED OFF of the idea that no one would know I had failed except me, which somehow forced me to work harder and prove to MYSELF. That I did not have to go to lots of school or rank up. That infact I could work from home, on my own time, pick my kids up from school and still be successful. This doesn't discount the consistency or hard work this takes. Just is an asset of allowing you to do it on your own time! 


We cannot wait for you to start this journey.