Starting from:


Amazon Affiliate Pro

DID YOU KNOW? That when someone clicks on your Amazon referrel link you make a commission on everything they buy within 24 hours. Yes, even if it is not the product you linked. 

Amazon, the world’s largest e-commerce site, has a well-established affiliate marketing program called Amazon Associates that allows you to earn up to 12 percent of the total sales value of a transaction originating from your referral website. That’s a pretty decent figure you earn for a successful referral.

Amazon Affiliate Pro is a straight forward guide taking you step by step everything you need to know about Amazon Affiliate program.


You will learn

  • How to set up and get approved to be an affiliate (free) 
  • Pick a niche (if you decide to do that)
  • How and where to get your host domain for your Links 


It's all in there for you! 


50 pages of content plus bonus feautures to make sure you can be as successful as possible. 


Example: You share a recipe even from someone else online (your social media). Why not add your link of the crockpot you use from Amazon and get paid commission from every person who clicked on that link!  


This is NOT:

  • A get rich quick scheme
  • An MLM
  • Affiliated or promoted by Amazon

You won't be disappointed, I guarantee it.

To Your Success,